We love the gratitude patients share when we protect them from outrageous balance medical billing and the harassment that goes along with collection attempts. The relief they experience is palpable. We wanted to share a few verbatim quotes. They’re all authentic.
Jeffrey B. wrote: “WellRithms helped me so much when medical companies were bullying me and sending bills out of nowhere years after the incident. SO grateful for them.”
Describing our intervention on his behalf as a “godsend,” Jason P. of Sherman Oaks, Calif., said: “We have not received anything at this time [from collections]. Thank you for everything.”
Added Eric M. of Los Angeles: “I immediately felt relieved and like I was in good hands when I contacted WellRithms for help with some medical bills I’d incurred. They were so attentive, reassuring, and kind, that I wasn’t at all surprised when they successfully reduced my debt considerably.”
David M. of Los Angeles received a collection notice on a bill for which his health insurer paid the approved amount. He noted, “In this age of skyrocketing medical costs, it’s reassuring to know there is an organization that is working to determine fair value and advocate for the overcharged. I gave WellRithms power of attorney to legally take over the resolution of the bill, and I never heard from the provider or collections again.”
Another patient was awestruck with the result of being shielded. “You guys are slowly slaying the dragon,” wrote Michael N. of Burbank, Calif. “I’ve heard nothing [from collections]. They’re afraid of you! Who are you guys? A secret league of crimefighters?? Thanks so much again!”
WellRithms is the only payment integrity company that shields patients and payors from unwarranted expenses through a captive insurance program that indemnifies them from financial and legal exposure associated with balance bills. It’s protection everyone should have given the predatory behavior of unscrupulous providers and billing departments and TPAs unwilling to dig into the details of medical bills to challenge what’s patently unfair.
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